Who you will have by your side

A team of consultants that combines talents in Tourism and Hospitality, Data Science, New Media and Business Administration with one thing in common: an endless passion and extensive operational experience. Data Science, New Media and Business Administration with one thing in common: an endless passion and extensive operational experience.

José Maia

José Maia

Product Development in Hospitality
Destination Development

Rami Aziz

Hotel Marketing
Hotel Operations
Mergers and Aquisitions

Paulo Gervásio

Hotel Operations
F&B Product Development and Operations

The GMT Hospitality Method.

1 The process begins with the assessment of the challenge that the tourism market imposes on the client and their objectives. Companies often present us with growth or performance challenges. Growth challenges are evident in metrics such as accommodation capacity or accessibility, market coverage rate, market penetration rate, recruitment and financing, while performance challenges are evident in metrics such as occupancy rate, average daily rate, RevPAR, RevPAG, average check, staffing levels, booking acquisition cost and Global Review Index. In turn, Destinations present us with challenges that impact arrivals, overnight stays, carrying capacity, positioning and governance. average check, staffing levels, booking acquisition cost and Global Review Index.
In turn, Destinations present us with challenges that impact arrivals, overnight stays, carrying capacity, positioning and governance.

2 Next, we exhaustively explore the main agent in the industry: the tourist. We use all available data sources that are relevant to the answer to the question formulated by the client's challenge and ensure the reliability and coherence of this data. We analyze in depth the tourist’s profile and their customer journey, i.e., traveler journey. We identify market segments and build personas to reinforce the alignment of resources in a customer-centered strategy. customer journey, i.e., traveller journey. We identify market segments and we build personas to reinforce the alignment of resources in a customer-centered. customer-centered.

3 We materialize our insights with a strategy and a set of actions for their implementation accompanied by our team. We monitor the metrics initially established to record our clients' success - the best metric of our own success.
GMT Hospitality's governance policy dictates that reinvestment in Research & Development has preference in the use of the company's proceeds.